

在2021年9月6日台灣時間晚上11:00,正式發表在國際期刊《自然》(Nature)研究標題:「SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 Delta variant replication and immune evasion」,由英國劍橋大學臨床微生物學教授古普塔(Ravindra Gupta)帶領研究團隊,從病毒學角度發現,相對於先前的變種病毒(Alpha、Kappa),最近在全球迅速傳播的Delta變種病毒(B.1.617.2),具有一些結構上的優勢特徵,包括:更快速的複製能力(replication)、更好的細胞融合&入侵能力(spike mediated cell fusion and entry)、較高的突破性感染(breakthrough infection)以及更低的中和抗體敏感度等優勢,才能在短時間內迅速取代Alpha成為主流病毒株。該研究認為,在全球接種疫苗的後時代,持續採取感染控制等措施與加強疫苗對變種病毒的免疫反應可能仍是必須的。

ما الذي يحتاج المصابون بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية لمعرفته قبل أن أخذهم لقاحًا ضد كوفيد-19؟

يمكن للمتعايشين مع فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية أخذ لقاح ضد كوفيد-19 بشكل آمن. كجزء من عملية الترخيص التي تمر بها اللقاحات المتاحة قبل إتاحتها للتلقيح الشامل، تسمح التجارب السريرية للباحثين بإثبات سلامة اللقاح. شملت التجارب السريرية المستخدمة لاختبار سلامة لقاحات كوفيد-19 المصرح بها أشخاصًا مصابين بعدوى فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية، واعتبرت آمنة. 

Ano ang kailangang malaman ng mga taong may HIV bago sila mabakunahan laban sa COVID-19?

Maaaring ligtas na mabakunahan laban sa COVID-19 ang mga taong may HIV. Natitiyak ng mga mananaliksik ang kaligtasan ng bakuna sa pamamagitan ng mga klinikal na pagsubok, na bahagi ng proseso ng awtorisasyon kung saan sumasailalim ang mga magagamit na bakuna bago gamitin ang mga ito para sa pagbabakuna sa publiko. May mga taong may impeksyong dulot ng HIV na kasama sa mga klinikal na pagsubok na isinagawa para masubukan ang kaligtasan ng mga awtorisadong bakuna para sa COVID-19, at napagpasyahang ligtas ang mga naturang bakuna. 

एचआईवी से पीड़ित व्यक्तियों को कोविड-19 का टीका लगवाने से पहले क्या जानना चाहिए?

एचआईवी के साथ रहने वाले व्यक्तियों को सुरक्षित रूप से कोविड-19 के खिलाफ टीका लगाया जा सकता है। उपलब्ध टीके सामूहिक टीकाकरण के लिए उपलब्ध होने से पहले जिस प्राधिकरण प्रक्रिया से गुजरते हैं, उसके तहत नैदानिक ​​परीक्षण शोधकर्ताओं को एक टीके की सुरक्षा स्थापित करने की अनुमति देते हैं। अधिकृत कोविड-19 टीकों की सुरक्षा का परीक्षण करने के लिए किए जाने वाले नैदानिक ​​​​परीक्षणों में एचआईवी संक्रमण वाले लोग शामिल थे, और उन्हें सुरक्षित माना गया था। 

Rates of miscarriage in women who had and hadn’t received COVID-19 vaccines

Two papers published on Wednesday in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) look at rates of spontaneous abortion in women who had and hadn’t received COVID-19 vaccines.


今(2021)年9月7日,國際期刊《美國醫學會期刊》網路開放版(JAMA Network Open)發表最新研究,這份關聯性研究分析以色列衛生署的資料,比較0歲至9歲兒童在兩段不同新冠變種病毒(武漢病毒與Alpha病毒)流行的期間,PCR檢測陽性率、COVID-19發生率,以及住院人數的差異。 結果發現,在Alpha變種病毒(B.1.1.7)流行期間,雖然病毒在0歲至9歲兒童中的傳播更快、更有效率,傳播病毒給其他接觸者的傳播率,是武漢GR和GH病毒流行期間的兩倍,但住院率下降。 儘管Alpha流行期間正在大量的讓成人施打疫苗,希望間接的減緩病毒傳播給兒童,但還是發現傳播率上升。研究結論提到,建議各地應該預想到兒童在學校和家中傳播病毒的狀況,並採取減緩傳播的措施。

UK's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation recommends against vaccination of healthy 12 to 15 year olds

The UK's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has said the margin of benefit of vaccination is considered too small to support universal vaccination of healthy 12 to 15 year olds at this time. They say the health benefits from vaccination are marginally greater than the potential known harms in this age group.

Coronavirus Research Tracking - 3 September

This week we again have separate issues on vaccine and non-vaccine papers. Continuing research on effective of vaccines against infections and hospitalisations, and waning immunity. Plus, the benefit of getting vaccinated even if previously infected, how vaccines may reduce risk of Long Covid, and ethical and scientific perspectives on booster shots.

Preprint zur Wirksamkeit des mRNA-Impfstoffs der Firma Curevac

Daten zur klinischen Wirksamkeit des mRNA-Impfstoffs CVnCoV der Tübinger Firma Curevac waren bisher allein aus Pressekonferenzen und -mitteilungen bekannt. Vergangene Woche erschien nun eine erste wissenschaftliche Preprint-Publikation (siehe Primärquelle). In der bisher nicht begutachteten Auswertung der Phase 2b/3 Studie werden Daten zur klinischen Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von zwei Impfdosen mit je zwölf Mikrogramm CVnCoV im Abstand von vier Wochen beschrieben. Daten zur Immunogenität des Impfstoffs im Serum der Probanden sind erst für spätere Publikationen angekündigt. In Studienzentren in Europa und Lateinamerika wurden dem Preprint zufolge zwischen dem 11.12.2020 und dem 12.04.2021 insgesamt 39.680 Teilnehmer randomisiert, 19.783 erhielten CVnCoV, 19.746 ein Placebo. Die publizierten Daten basieren auf 228 dokumentierten SARS-CoV-2-Infektionen von jeglichem Schweregrad, die frühestens zwei Wochen nach Verabreichung der zweiten Dosis auftraten. Eine Besonderheit der klinischen Studie ist die sehr hohe Drop-Out-Rate der Teilnehmenden, bei den Probanden zwischen 18 und 60 Jahren wurden 32 Prozent entblindet, bei den älteren Probanden flossen 70 Prozent der zunächst Teilnehmenden nicht in die Endauswertung ein. Bei den verbliebenen Probanden ergab sich im Vergleich von Impfstoff und Placebo eine Gesamteffektivität („Vaccine Efficacy“, VE) von 48,2 Prozent. Unterteilt man die Wirksamkeit der Impfung zwischen Impfgruppe und Placebo in dem europäischen und den lateinamerikanischen Arm, dann betrugt die VE in Europa lediglich 43,7 Prozent, in Lateinamerika 49,2 Prozent. Die VE lag damit unter der von FDA und WHO als Kriterium für eine Zulassung angegebenen unteren Grenze von 50 Prozent. Allein bei Teilnehmenden im Alter von 18 bis 60 Jahren betrug die Impfeffektivität in einer Subgruppenanalyse 52,5 Prozent. Die Gesamt-VE gegen mittelschwere bis schwere COVID-19-Fälle betrug in dieser Altersgruppe 77,2 Prozent. Bei Probanden über 61 Jahren konnten aufgrund niedriger Fallzahlen statistisch keine Wirksamkeitsunterschiede belegt werden (CVnCoV: 12, Placebo: 9). Der Impfstoff befindet sich bereits seit Februar 2021 in einem sogenannten Rolling-Review-Verfahren der Europäischen Arzneimittelbehörde (EMA), die Firma Curevac hat mit der Publikation des Preprints erneut verkündet, in „engem Kontakt“ mit der EMA zu stehen und sich weiterhin um die Zulassung von CVnCoV bemühen zu wollen. Ein offizieller Zulassungsantrag liegt jedoch bisher nicht vor. Der Vertrag der EU-Kommission mit dem Hersteller verpflichtet zu einem Kauf der vorbestellten Impfdosen allein für den Fall einer europäischen Zulassung.



Preprint from the CLoCk study looking at the rates of long COVID in children

A large study of children and young people who caught SARS-CoV-2 has found that as many as one in seven (14 per cent) may still have symptoms 15 weeks later.

UK's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommends third vaccine dose for severely immunosuppressed people

The Uk's JCVI has advised that a third primary dose be offered to individuals aged 12 years and over with severe immunosuppression in proximity of their first or second COVID-19 vaccine doses in the primary schedule.

Double vaccination halves risk of long COVID, study finds - data from the ZOE COVID Symptom Study app

Adults who have received a double vaccination are 49 per cent less likely to have Long COVID should they contract a COVID-19 infection, a new study finds. Researchers at King's College London analysed data from participants logging their symptoms, tests and vaccines on the UK ZOE COVID Symptom Study app between 8th December 2020 and 4 July 2021, including 1,240,009 (first dose) and 971,504 (second dose) vaccinated UK adults. The research team assessed a range of factors, including age, frailty and areas of deprivation and compared that with post-vaccination infection.


在2021年8月31日台灣時間晚上11:00,正式發表在國際期刊《美國醫學會期刊》網路開放版(JAMA Network Open)研究標題:「Prevalence of Allergic Reactions After Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccination Among Adults With High Allergy Risk」。研究調查高過敏族群在施打BNT新冠疫苗後產生的過敏或嚴重過敏狀況,希望能透過這項研究成果讓大多數的過敏患者接種後有更安全的配套觀察措施,以利擴大COVID-19的群體免疫數。

Could South Africa’s new, mutated C.1.2 variant be worse than Delta?

Scientists from South Africa have reported a new potential COVID-19 variant of interest (VOI) called C.1.2. This variant has been detected in South Africa from May 2021 onwards and has been detected in seven other countries including New Zealand. The paper, which is a preprint and is yet to be peer reviewed, suggests C.1.2 has accumulated a high number of mutations, compared to the original Wuhan virus. Many of these mutations have been identified in all four variants of concern (Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma) but there are also additional mutations. The authors say these mutations provide sufficient cause for concern of continued transmission of this variant.

Do COVID-19 vaccines improve surfactant levels in the lungs?

Studies have shown that COVID-19 vaccines boost immunity, Prof. Abonyo explains whether they could also improve surfactant levels in the lungs:

What we know about menstrual changes after Covid vaccination 

Seven out of ten women report menstrual changes after vaccination, according to a preliminary survey of 14,000 women. Researchers in Granada will now study their menstrual health to find out if these changes are due to Covid-19 immunisation. 

Qué sabemos sobre los cambios en la menstruación tras la vacuna de la covid

Siete de cada diez mujeres dicen haber presentado cambios en la regla tras la vacunación, según una encuesta preliminar a 14.000. Ahora, investigadoras de Granada estudiarán su salud menstrual para conocer si estas alteraciones se deben a la inmunización contra la covid-19.

Coronavirus Research Tracking - 27 August

This week vaccine-related papers cover effectiveness, immune responses, correlates of protection, and how reporting vaccine hesitancy influences vaccination decisions. (Due to volume, non-vaccine related papers are in a separate Coronavirus Research Tracker this week. See https://smcnz.substack.com).

Australia recommends Pfizer COVID vaccine for kids aged 12 and up

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) have now recommended the use of the Pfizer vaccine for kids aged 12 years and up. Below, Aussie experts chime in on the announcement. ATAGI are recommending vaccination against COVID-19 for all individuals from 12 years of age, extending the current recommendation for those aged 16 years and older. A two-dose schedule using Comirnaty (Pfizer) is recommended. This vaccine is the only vaccine currently registered for use in Australia in this age group. Recommendations on the use of Spikevax (Moderna) for adolescents will be finalised following the decision on provisional registration of Spikevax (Moderna) in this age group.

MEDIA BRIEFING ALERT: Getting your head around the vaccine data

As the Delta variant becomes dominant around the world, fully vaccinated people are becoming infected with COVID-19. These so-called 'breakthrough infections" have raised questions about the effectiveness of the vaccines. Data from some countries with high vaccination rates are also now showing more weekly cases of COVID-19 in vaccinated people than in the unvaccinated - does this mean the vaccines aren't working? Join some of the world's leading vaccine experts at this briefing from the global Science Media Centres and our partners in the COVID-19 Vaccine Media Hub. The briefing will discuss the following issues: How can we make sense of the vaccine efficacy data? Just how effective are the vaccines against the Delta variant? Do the vaccines prevent transmission? Can any countries actually reach herd immunity? Will we need booster shots in the coming months?


許多國家在近期開始針對「特定高風險族群」展開第三劑疫苗 (booster)的臨床試驗研究,顯見在利用「追加施打」以維持抗體濃度可能有研究探討的必要性。 以色列自8月1日起,針對60歲以上的高風險族群開始施打第三劑疫苗,成為全球第一個向其公民提供第三劑加強疫苗的國家。美國在8/13也授權特定的「免疫功能低下」族群可以再施打第三劑疫苗,而已完成兩劑接種的一般民眾目前則不需要再追加施打。 早前亦有研究指出,施打完整的兩劑疫苗的保護力至少可以維持6個月,但抗體效價也會隨著時間的拉長而下降;亦有回顧性研究發現,施打兩劑疫苗後過的時間越久,突破性感染的發生率可能就越高。

Preprint looking at the impact of the delta variant on vaccine effectiveness

There has been a lot of discussion and some concern around the ability of the COVID-19 vaccines to protect against the delta variant. Research conducted jointly by the University of Oxford, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) has looked at the COVID-19 vaccines and how well they protect against infection from the delta variant, whether the timing of the dose interval plays a role, the impact of prior infection, the viral load in those who do catch the virus after being vaccinated, and how that compares with the alpha variant.

Why have daily vaccination rates been dropping in the U.S?

It is unclear how factors like vaccine hesitancy and news about vaccine side effects contributed to a decline in daily vaccination rates. We can most likely attribute the drop in number of people getting shots to a combination of things. 

لماذا تنخفض معدلات التلقيح اليومية في الولايات المتحدة؟

ليس من الواضح كيفية مساهمة عوامل مثل تردد اللقاح وأخبار عن الآثار الجانبية للقاح في انخفاض معدلات التلقيح اليومية. يمكننا على الأرجح أن نعزو الانخفاض في عدد الأشخاص الذين يحصلون على جرعات إلى مجموعة من الأمور. 

यू.एस. में दैनिक टीकाकरण दर क्यों गिर रही है?

यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि टीके की हिचकिचाहट और टीके के दुष्प्रभावों के बारे में समाचार जैसे कारकों ने दैनिक टीकाकरण दरों में गिरावट में कैसे योगदान दिया। हम वैक्सीन प्राप्त करने वाले लोगों की संख्या में गिरावट का श्रेय संभवतः कई चीजों के संयोजन को दे सकते हैं। 

Bakit bumababa ang bilang ng mga nagpapabakuna kada araw sa US?

Hindi malinaw kung paano nakakaapekto sa pagbaba ng bilang ng mga nagpapabakuna kada araw ang mga salik na tulad ng pag-aalangan sa pagpapabakuna at mga balita tungkol sa mga side effect ng bakuna. Maiuugnay natin ang pagbaba ng bilang ng mga taong nagpapabakuna sa kombinasyon ng iba’t ibang bagay. 


今(2021)年8月17日,國際期刊《自然—通訊》(Nature Communications)發表最新研究,研究團隊分析了最近英國的幾項隊列性疫苗接種資料以及從2020年初的自然感染的患者,觀察其中的抗體與T細胞結果。研究結果顯示,與原始株(prototype isolate B)相比,針對VOC(variant of concern)類別的變種病毒,患者血清樣本中的抗體反應降低,尤其B.1.351的影響更大;並且比起施打兩劑疫苗,自然感染與施打單劑疫苗者抗體反應降低的狀況更為明顯。研究發現,在兩次疫苗接種後,會產生高強度的T細胞免疫反應,其中大部分的T細胞皆會有效針對原始株和變種病毒皆有的抗原呈現區域(epitopes)。研究認為,需要透過完整施打兩劑疫苗來產生足夠高效的免疫反應,以防止現在與未來出現的新變種病毒。

Why Spain is among the world leaders in Covid vaccination

Trust in universal public health care, solidarity, feeling at risk and a relatively low level of denialism have made Spain one of the leading powers in Covid-19 vaccination. But according to experts, politicians must close ranks around vaccination and the health system to keep up what has been achieved.

Por qué España está entre los líderes mundiales en vacunación covid

La confianza en una sanidad pública universal, la solidaridad, sentirse en riesgo y un relativo bajo eco del negacionismo han hecho de España una de las potencias en vacunación contra la covid-19. Pero según los expertos, los políticos deben cerrar filas en torno a la vacunación y el sistema sanitario para mantener lo logrado.

Coronavirus Research Tracking - 20 August

This week’s papers include several studies looking at changes in vaccine effectiveness against infection and/or hospitalisation over time, or against different variants. Models indicate the risks posed by uneven global vaccination. In other research, studies of infections in children, the ongoing development of novel therapies, and why the Delta variant may be more transmissible.


2021年7月16日,網傳文章提到: 「即便是施打了兩劑號稱最優秀的輝瑞(Pfizer)疫苗,現在的Delta新變種疫情大爆發的結果實證,疫苗打了跟沒打基本上染疫率幾乎是一樣的!」 「若依照人口比例來推算,72例再感染病例佔以色列已感染人數的0.0086%,而3000例接種後感染病例佔已接種人數的0.0578%,依此計算,則接種疫苗後的感染率是重複感染率的6.72倍,也就是說,天然免疫力形成的抗體,其防禦變種病毒的強度是疫苗抗體的6.72倍,果然抗體還是 #天然的尚好!」 SMC邀請到多位專家解析文章中的幾則訊息,判斷是否有錯誤解讀或易誤導大眾。

Pregnant or breastfeeding women have similar reactions to COVID-19 jabs as everyone else

Comparing reactions to COVID-19 vaccines in 7,809 pregnant women, 6,815 lactating women, and 2,901 women who were neither pregnant nor lactating but were planning pregnancy, US scientists say reactions one day after the jabs were similar across the groups, and all the groups reported increased reactions following dose two of the mRNA vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer). Although the study was limited by covering only the first wave of vaccination, and relied on self-reporting of reactions, which can be unreliable, the results are comparable with previously reported findings among pregnant women, the researchers say.

What does the evidence say about COVID-19 booster shots for everyone? What research questions about booster shots remain unanswered?

SciLine reaches out to our network of scientific experts and poses commonly asked questions about newsworthy topics. Reporters can use the video clips, audio, and comments below in news stories, with attribution to the scientist who made them.

Toward the goal of ending the pandemic, what does the evidence show about boosting immunity for those already vaccinated versus prioritizing vaccine access worldwide?

SciLine reaches out to our network of scientific experts and poses commonly asked questions about newsworthy topics. Reporters can use the video clips, audio, and comments below in news stories, with attribution to the scientist who made them.

Should we expect regular or annual COVID-19 booster shots?

SciLine reaches out to our network of scientific experts and poses commonly asked questions about newsworthy topics. Reporters can use the video clips, audio, and comments below in news stories, with attribution to the scientist who made them.

Might COVID-19 booster shot formulations change as the SARS-CoV-2 virus evolves?

SciLine reaches out to our network of scientific experts and poses commonly asked questions about newsworthy topics. Reporters can use the video clips, audio, and comments below in news stories, with attribution to the scientist who made them.

What happens if you miss your second dose of Covaxin?

A shortage of Bharat Biotech's Covaxin in some areas has meant that some people have been unable to have their second dose within the recommended time frame.

Autorizan el primer ensayo clínico de una vacuna española contra la covid-19

La Agencia Española del Medicamento y Productos Sanitarios ha autorizado el primer ensayo clínico en personas de una vacuna española frente a la covid-19, se trata de PHH-1V de los laboratorios Hipra.

The first clinical trial of a Spanish vaccine against covid-19 has been approved

The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices has approved the first clinical trial in humans of a Spanish vaccine against covid-19; this is PHH-1V, manufactured by Hipra Laboratories.

Tercera dosis de la vacuna: en busca de evidencias

No hay aún datos publicados que respalden la necesidad de una tercera dosis para todos. Algunos trabajos sugieren que podrían beneficiar a personas con trasplantes, aunque mucho más sólida es la evidencia de que las vacunas también protegen a esta población.

Third dose of vaccine: searching for evidence

So far, there are no published data to support the need for a third dose for everyone. Some studies suggest that it could benefit people with transplants, although there is much stronger evidence that vaccines also protect this population.

Coronavirus Research Tracking - 14 August

This week’s papers include comparing different vaccines’ effectiveness against Delta, Moderna’s safety for teenagers, and T cell responses to vaccines. Non-vaccine papers include a possible cause for some cases of Long Covid, estimating asymptomatic frequency, and the importance of large scale therapeutic trials. It is easy to get swamped by all the research on coronavirus. New Zealand’s Science Media Centre is keeping track of much of it so you don’t have to. The Research Tracker is prepared by Dr Robert Hickson for the Science Media Centre New Zealand.

What does the research show about the benefits of a COVID-19 vaccine booster for different groups of people?

SciLine reaches out to our network of scientific experts and poses commonly asked questions about newsworthy topics. Reporters can use the video clips, audio, and comments below in news stories, with attribution to the scientist who made them.

How do policymakers decide who is eligible to receive a COVID-19 booster shot?

SciLine reaches out to our network of scientific experts and poses commonly asked questions about newsworthy topics. Reporters can use the video clips, audio, and comments below in news stories, with attribution to the scientist who made them.

How do doctors decide which patients need a COVID-19 booster shot?

SciLine reaches out to our network of scientific experts and poses commonly asked questions about newsworthy topics. Reporters can use the video clips, audio, and comments below in news stories, with attribution to the scientist who made them.

Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and antibody response to variants of concern (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Epsilon, Iota and Delta)

New data has been released on the ability of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to generate neutralising antibodies against variants of concern. The paper, published in Science found that most people vaccinated with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine maintained both binding and functional antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 variants for six months after the second dose.

What COVID-19 vaccines are available in the Philippines, and how are they each different?

In the Philippines, available COVID-19 vaccines are from Sinovac Biotech, AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Sputnik V.

Virus frente a vacunas, una batalla evolutiva que debe ganar la ciencia

Con la población humana como campo de batalla, el SARS-CoV-2 y las vacunas llevan meses enzarzados en una escalada evolutiva. Recientemente se ha hecho público que PHH-1V de la compañía Hipra será la primera vacuna contra la covid desarrollada íntegramente en España que se probará en humanos. Otro equipo español quiere lograr una vacuna nasal, capaz incluso de impedir la infección y expone aquí las estrategias de que dispone la ciencia.

Viruses versus vaccines, an evolutionary battle for science to win

With the human population as the battleground, SARS-CoV-2 and vaccines have been locked in an evolutionary escalation for months. It has been announced that the Hipra Laboratories’ PHH-1V would be the first vaccine against Covid developed entirely in Spain to be tested in humans. Another Spanish team wants to achieve a nasal vaccine, capable even of preventing infection, and here they present the strategies available to science.



ما هي لقاحات كوفيد-19 المتوفرة في الفلبين، وما الاختلافات بينها؟

في الفلبين، لقاحات كوفيد-19 المتاحة هي سينوفاك بيوتيك وأسترازينيكا وفايزر بيونتيك وموديرنا ولقاح شركة جونسون أند جونسون ولقاح سبوتنيك V.

Ano-anong bakuna para sa COVID-19 ang mayroon sa Pilipinas, at paano naiiba ang bawat isa?

Sa Pilipinas, may mga magagamit na bakuna para sa COVID-19 mula sa Sinovac Biotech, AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, at Sputnik V.

फिलीपींस में कौन से कोविड-19 टीके उपलब्ध हैं और वे कैसे भिन्न हैं?

फिलीपींस में उपलब्ध कोविड-19 टीके सिनोवैक बायोटेक, एस्ट्राजेनेका, फाइजर-बायोएनटेक, मॉडर्ना, जॉनसन एंड जॉनसन और स्पुतनिक V हैं।

Clinical features of rare clotting events after COVID-19 vaccines, ‘Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis’ (VITT)

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) looks at the clinical features of Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombocytopenia and Thrombosis (VITT).

There's no evidence that mRNA vaccines are linked to blood clots.

Current research has not shown a link between the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and blood clots. Health leaders around the world continue to encourage everyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is available to them.

What do we know about the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine and animal testing?

The Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine underwent pre-clinical testing in rhesus macaques and Syrian golden hamsters before human trials.

Why is the AstraZeneca vaccine less expensive than others?

Compared to many of its counterparts, the AstraZeneca vaccine is easier and less expensive to manufacture, store, and transport. It’s been featured prominently in the vaccination strategies of many developing and developed countries for these reasons. 

There’s no evidence that vaccines can affect fertility. What do we know so far?

To-date, there is no data that the COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility. Research is ongoing to continue studying the relationship between COVID-19 vaccines and fertility long-term, and to make sure there are no risks. Many experts say that COVID-19 is more harmful for pregnant individuals and potentially for those who are hoping to become pregnant than the vaccines that protect against it. 

US case series study in children study looking at association of myocarditis with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

A study published in JAMA Cardiology looks at the association of myocarditis with Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in a case series of children in the US.

Antibody responses to variants after two vaccine doses in individuals with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection

A study published in Science Translational Medicine looks at antibody response to variants following two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in individuals with and without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.

لا توجد أدلة على أن لقاحات الحمض الريبي النووي المرسال مرتبطة بجلطات الدم.

لم تظهر الأبحاث الحالية وجود صلة بين لقاحات الحمض الريبي النووي المرسال ضد كوفيد-19 وجلطات الدم. يستمر قادة الصحة حول العالم في تشجيع الجميع على الحصول على لقاح كوفيد-19 عندما يكون متاحًا لهم.

لا يوجد دليل على أن اللقاحات يمكن أن تؤثر على الخصوبة. ما الذي نعرفه حتى الأن؟

إلى الآن، لا توجد بيانات تفيد بأن لقاحات كوفيد-19 تؤثر على الخصوبة. البحث مستمر لمواصلة دراسة العلاقة بين لقاحات كوفيد-19 والخصوبة على المدى الطويل وللتأكد من عدم وجود مخاطر. يقول العديد من الخبراء أن كوفيد-19 أكثر ضررًا للحوامل أو اللواتي يأملن في الحمل من اللقاحات التي تقي منه. 

لماذا يعتبر لقاح أسترازينيكا أقل تكلفة من اللقاحات الأخرى؟

مقارنة بالعديد من نظرائه، فإن لقاح أسترازينيكا أسهل وأقل تكلفة في التصنيع والتخزين والنقل. ظهر بشكل بارز في استراتيجيات اللقاح في العديد من البلدان النامية والمتقدمة لهذه الأسباب. 

ما الذي نعرفه عن لقاح جونسون آند جونسون ضد كوفيد-19 والاختبار على الحيوانات؟

خضع لقاح جونسون آند جونسون ضد كوفيد-19 للاختبار ما قبل السريري على القرود من فصيلة مكاك ريسوس وحيوانات الهامستر السوري الذهبي قبل إجراء التجارب البشرية.

Walang katibayan na nauugnay sa pamumuo ng dugo ang mga bakunang may mRNA.

Walang natuklasan sa kasalukuyang pananaliksik na may kaugnayan ang mga bakuna para sa COVID-19 na may mRNA at ang pamumuo ng dugo. Patuloy na hinihikayat ng mga awtoridad sa kalusugan sa iba’t ibang panig ng mundo ang lahat na magpabakuna laban sa COVID-19 kapag posible.

Ano ang nalalaman natin tungkol sa bakuna para sa COVID-19 ng Johnson & Johnson at pagsubok sa hayop?

Dumaan ang bakuna para sa COVID-19 ng Johnson & Johnson sa paunang pagsubok sa mga rhesus macaque at Syrian golden hamster bago ito isinailalim sa pagsubok sa tao.

Walang katibayan na nakakaapekto ang mga bakuna sa kakayahang magkaanak. Ano ang nalalaman na natin sa ngayon?

Sa ngayon, walang datos na nakakaapekto ang mga bakuna para sa COVID-19 sa kakayahang magkaanak. Nagsasagawa ng pananaliksik para patuloy na mapag-aralan ang kaugnayan ng mga bakuna para sa COVID-19 at ng kakayahang magkaanak katagalan, at para matiyak na walang panganib. Maraming eksperto ang nagsasabi na mas mapanganib para sa mga buntis, at posibleng pati rin sa mga taong nagnanais magbuntis, ang COVID-19 kaysa sa mga bakunang nagbibigay ng proteksyon laban dito. 

Bakit mas mura ang bakuna ng AstraZeneca kumpara sa iba?

Kumpara sa marami sa mga katulad nito, mas madali at mas murang gawin, itago, at ipadala ang bakuna ng AstraZeneca. Dahil dito, madalas itong itampok sa mga estratehiya sa pagbabakuna ng maraming umuunlad at maunlad na bansa. 

हम जॉनसन एंड जॉनसन कोविड-19 टीके और पशु परीक्षण के बारे में क्या जानते हैं?

जॉनसन एंड जॉनसन कोविड-19 टीके के मानव परीक्षण से पहले रीसस मैकाक और सीरियन गोल्डन हैम्स्टर्स में प्री-क्लिनिकल परीक्षण किया गया था।

इस बात का कोई प्रमाण नहीं है कि mRNA के टीके और रक्त के थक्कों के बनने के बीच कोई संबंध है।

वर्तमान शोध ने mRNA कोविड-19 टीकों और रक्त के थक्कों के बीच कोई संबंध नहीं दिखाया है। दुनिया भर के स्वास्थ्य नेता सभी को उपलब्ध होने पर कोविड-19 टीका लगवाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित कर रहे हैं।

ऐस्ट्राज़ेनेका का टीका औरों से सस्ता क्यों?

कई अन्य टीकों के मुकाबले ऐस्ट्राज़ेनेका के टीके का निर्माण, भंडारण और परिवहन, आसान और सस्ता है। इसी कारण इसे कई विकासशील व विकसित देशों की टीकाकरण रणनीति में देखा जा सकता है। 

इस बात का कोई सबूत नहीं है कि टीके प्रजनन क्षमता को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं। हम अब तक क्या जानते हैं?

आज तक कोई डेटा नहीं है कि कोविड-19 टीके प्रजनन क्षमता को प्रभावित करते हैं। लंबे समय तक कोविड-19 टीकों और प्रजनन क्षमता के बीच संबंधों का अध्ययन जारी रखने और यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि कोई जोखिम नहीं है, अनुसंधान जारी है। कई विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि कोविड-19 गर्भवती व्यक्तियों के लिए और संभावित रूप से उन लोगों के लिए जो गर्भवती होने की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं, इससे बचाव करने वाले टीकों की तुलना में अधिक हानिकारक है। 

No hay evidencia de que las vacunas de ARNm estén relacionadas con la formación de coágulos de sangre.

La investigación actual no ha demostrado un vínculo entre las vacunas de ARNm contra la COVID-19 y los coágulos de sangre. Los líderes en el campo de la salud de todo el mundo continúan alentando a todas las personas a vacunarse contra la COVID-19 cuando la vacuna esté disponible para ellas.

¿Qué sabemos sobre la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson contra la COVID-19 y las pruebas con animales?

La vacuna de Johnson & Johnson contra la COVID-19 se sometió a pruebas preclínicas con macacos rhesus y hámsteres dorados sirios antes de los ensayos en humanos.

¿Por qué la vacuna de AstraZeneca es menos costosa que otras?

En comparación con otras vacunas para la COVID-19, la de AstraZeneca es más fácil y menos costosa de fabricar, almacenar y transportar. Por estas razones, ha ocupado una posición destacada en las estrategias de vacunación de muchos países desarrollados y en vías de desarrollo. 

O que sabemos sobre a vacina contra a COVID-19 da Johnson & Johnson e os testes em animais?

A vacina contra a COVID-19 da Johnson & Johnson foi submetida a testes pré-clínicos em macacos-rhesus e hamsters dourados sírios antes dos ensaios em humanos.

Por que a vacina da AstraZeneca é mais barata do que outras?

Em comparação com muitas de suas contrapartes, a vacina da AstraZeneca é mais fácil e menos cara de fabricar, armazenar e transportar. Por essas razões, tem sido destaque nas estratégias de vacinação de muitos países em desenvolvimento e desenvolvidos. 

Não há evidências de que as vacinas de mRNA estejam ligadas a coágulos sanguíneos.

A pesquisa atual não mostrou uma ligação entre as vacinas de mRNA da COVID-19 e os coágulos sanguíneos. Autoridades de saúde em todo o mundo continuam a encorajar todos a tomar a vacina contra a COVID-19 quando estiver disponível para eles.

Por qué no es necesario hacerse un test después de vacunarse para confirmar la inmunidad

La vacunación protege contra los síntomas más graves de la covid-19 y no es necesario hacerse un test de anticuerpos para confirmarlo.

Coronavirus Research Tracking - 6 August

This week, several papers look at effectiveness of vaccines against Delta variant infections. Other studies test how to nudge behaviours, and there is a review of factors that helped the rapid development and deployment (in richer countries) of vaccines. Non-vaccine research papers include further promising results for the REGEN-COV antibody therapy, T cell effectiveness against variants, increasing neutralisation potency over time, and finding new variants in wastewater. 

How well can we model the path out of lockdowns?

The road toward a life without major lockdowns in Australia looks a little clearer, with the federal government announcing COVID-19 vaccination targets of 70 per cent and 80 per cent amongst the eligible population as triggers for reduced restrictions.

How do drugs like diclofenac interact with COVID-19 vaccines?

There is no scientific evidence demonstrating that taking medically-advised diclofenac after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine can cause complications. According to [CDC guidelines](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/covid-19-vaccines-us.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fvaccines%2Fcovid-19%2Finfo-by-product%2Fclinical-considerations.html) “for all currently authorized COVID-19 vaccines, NSAIDs can be taken for the treatment of post-vaccination symptoms.” This includes the use of diclofenac, and as long as recommended amounts are not exceeded and are in line with medical advises. 

Why you don't need a test after vaccination to confirm immunity

Vaccination protects against the most severe symptoms of covid-19 and does not require a test to confirm this.

كيف تتفاعل أدوية مثل ديكلوفيناك مع لقاحات كوفيد-19؟

لا يوجد دليل علمي يوضح أن تناول ديكلوفيناك الموصى به طبيًا بعد تلقي لقاح كوفيد-19 يمكن أن يسبب مضاعفات. وفقًا لإرشادات مراكز مكافحة الأمراض والوقاية منها (CDC) "لجميع لقاحات كوفيد-19 المصرح بها حاليًا، يمكن تناول مضادات الالتهاب غير الستيروئيدية لعلاج أعراض ما بعد اللقاح." وهذا يشمل استخدام ديكلوفيناك، وطالما لم يتم تجاوز الكميات الموصى بها وبما يتماشى مع النصائح الطبية. 

Ano ang dulot ng mga gamot na tulad ng diclofenac sa mga bakuna para sa COVID-19?

Walang siyentipikong katibayan na nagsasaad na puwedeng magsanhi ng mga komplikasyon ang paggamit ng diclofenac ayon sa payo ng doktor pagkatapos makatanggap ng bakuna para sa COVID-19. Ayon sa mga patnubay ng CDC para sa lahat ng kasalukuyang awtorisadong bakuna para sa COVID-19, maaaring uminom ng mga NSAID para sa mga sintomas pagkatapos magpabakuna. Kasama rito ang paggamit ng diclofenac, at hangga’t hindi hihigit sa inirerekomendang dami at naaayon ito sa payong medikal. 

डाइक्लोफेनेक जैसी दवाओं का कोविड-19 टीकों पर क्या असर पड़ता है?

कोविड-19 के टीके के बाद, डॉक्टर की सलाह पर ली गई डाइक्लोफेनेक से समस्या होने का कोई वैज्ञानिक प्रमाण नहीं है। सीडीसी दिशानिर्देशों के अनुसार "वर्तमान में अधिकृत सभी कोविड-19 टीकों के लिए, टीकाकरण के बाद के लक्षणों के उपचार के लिए एनएसएआईडी (NSAIDs) लिये जा सकते हैं।" इसमें डाइक्लोफेनेक का उपयोग भी शामिल है, जब तक कि इसकी मात्रा चिकित्सीय सलाह के अनुरूप हो। 

¿Cómo interactúan medicamentos como el diclofenaco con las vacunas contra la COVID-19?

No hay evidencia científica que demuestre que tomar diclofenaco recomendado por un médico después de recibir la vacuna contra la COVID-19 pueda causar complicaciones. De acuerdo con las pautas de los CDC, “para todas las vacunas contra la COVID-19 autorizadas actualmente, pueden tomarse AINE para el tratamiento de los síntomas posteriores a la vacunación”. Esto incluye el uso de diclofenaco, siempre y cuando no se excedan las cantidades recomendadas y se adecúen a los consejos médicos. 

Como drogas como o diclofenaco interagem com as vacinas da COVID-19?

Não há evidências científicas que demonstrem que tomar diclofenaco sob recomendação médica após tomar a vacina da COVID-19 pode causar complicações. De acordo com as diretrizes do CDC “para todas as vacinas da COVID-19 atualmente autorizadas, os AINEs podem ser tomados para o tratamento de sintomas pós-vacinação”. Isso inclui o uso de diclofenaco, desde que as quantidades recomendadas não sejam excedidas e estejam de acordo com as recomendações médicas. 

What do we know about Israel giving out booster shots to its population?

There have been no large-scale studies to date that have examined the potential side-effects of a third dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, but it is likely that there may be more acute episodes of the common side effects that tend to happen after a second dose (e.g. headaches, tiredness, muscle pain, fevers, swelling). There is no evidence to show that a third dose would cause increased rates of cancers, heart attacks, or death among those vaccinated. 

ما الذي نعرفه عن إعطاء إسرائيل جرعات معززة لمواطنيها؟

لم تكن هناك دراسات واسعة النطاق حتى الآن لفحص الآثار الجانبية المحتملة لجرعة ثالثة من لقاح فايزر- بيونتك، ولكن من المحتمل أن تكون هناك نوبات أكثر حدة من الآثار الجانبية الشائعة التي تميل إلى الحدوث بعد الجرعة ثانية (مثل الصداع والتعب وآلام العضلات والحمى والتورم). لا يوجد دليل يثبت أن جرعة ثالثة قد تسبب زيادة معدلات الإصابة بالسرطان أو النوبات القلبية أو الوفاة بين أولئك الذين تلقوا اللقاح. 

Ano ang nalalaman natin tungkol sa pagbibigay ng Israel ng mga booster shot sa populasyon nito?

Wala pang malaking pag-aaral sa ngayon na sumuri sa mga potensyal na side effect ng ikatlong dosis ng bakunang Pfizer-BioNTech, pero malamang na magkaroon ng mas matitinding karaniwang side effect na kadalasang nangyayari pagkatapos ng ikalawang dosis (hal., sakit ng ulo, pagkapagod, pananakit ng kalamnan, lagnat, pamamaga). Walang katibayan na nagsasaad na magsasanhi ang ikatlong dosis ng pagdami ng kaso ng kanser, atake sa puso, o pagkamatay sa mga nabakunahan. 

हम इस बारे में क्या जानते हैं कि इज़राइल अपनी आबादी को बूस्टर शॉट दे रहा है?

आज तक कोई बड़े पैमाने पर अध्ययन नहीं हुआ है जिसने फाइजर-बायोएनटेक वैक्सीन की तीसरी खुराक के संभावित दुष्प्रभावों की जांच की है, लेकिन यह संभावना है कि आम साइड इफेक्ट के अधिक तीव्र एपिसोड हो सकते हैं जो दूसरी खुराक के बाद में होते हैं (जैसे सिरदर्द, थकान, मांसपेशियों में दर्द, बुखार, सूजन)। यह दिखाने के लिए कोई सबूत नहीं है कि तीसरी खुराक से टीकाकरण करने वालों में कैंसर, दिल के दौरे या मृत्यु की दर में वृद्धि होगी। 

¿Qué sabemos sobre Israel y la administración de dosis de refuerzo a su población?

Hasta la fecha, no se han realizado estudios a gran escala que hayan examinado los posibles efectos secundarios de una tercera dosis de la vacuna de Pfizer-BioNTech, pero es probable que haya episodios más agudos de los efectos secundarios comunes que suelen ocurrir después de una segunda dosis (por ejemplo, dolor de cabeza, cansancio, dolor muscular, fiebre, hinchazón). No hay evidencia que demuestre que una tercera dosis causaría un aumento en las tasas de cáncer, infarto cardíaco o muerte entre los vacunados. 

O que sabemos sobre Israel dar doses de reforço à sua população?

Não houve estudos em grande escala até o momento que analisaram os potenciais efeitos colaterais de uma terceira dose da vacina Pfizer-BioNTech, mas é provável que possa haver episódios mais agudos dos efeitos colaterais comuns que tendem a acontecer após uma segunda dose (por exemplo, dores de cabeça, cansaço, dores musculares, febres, inchaço). Não há evidências que mostrem que uma terceira dose causaria aumento nas taxas de câncer, ataques cardíacos ou morte entre os vacinados. 

How is genomic medicine different from COVID-19 mRNA vaccine technology?

Since mRNA is very delicate, delivery into cells can be a challenge. Scientists used a delivery method using tiny balls of fat called liquid nanoparticles. These can help transport mRNA into the body safely, without degrading the mRNA. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines use liquid nanoparticles to deliver the vaccine formulas to the targeted cells. It is likely that any potential future “superhero” vaccines produced using genomic medicine may also use the delivery method of encasing mRNA in a envelope of fats. For now, this is a theoretical idea.

كيف يختلف الطب الجيني عن تقنية لقاح الحمض الريبي النووي المرسال ضد كوفيد-19؟

نظرًا لأن الحمض الريبي النووي المرسال حساس للغاية، يمكن أن يمثل وصوله للخلايا تحديًا. استخدم العلماء طريقة إيصال باستخدام كرات صغيرة من الدهون تسمى الجسيمات النانوية السائلة. يمكنها أن تساعد في نقل الحمض الريبي النووي المرسال إلى الجسم بأمان دون تحطيمه. تستخدم لقاحات الحمض الريبي النووي المرسال ضد كوفيد-19 الجسيمات النانوية السائلة لإيصال صيغ اللقاح إلى الخلايا المستهدفة. من المحتمل أن أي لقاحات "خارقة" مستقبلية تُنتج باستخدام الطب الجيني قد تستخدم أيضًا طريقة إيصال لتغليف الحمض الريبي النووي المرسال في غلاف من الدهون. لكنها في الوقت الحالي فكرة نظرية.

जीनोमिक दवा कोविड-19 mRNA टीके की तकनीक से कैसे भिन्न है?

चूंकि mRNA बहुत नाज़ुक होता है, इसका कोशिकाओं में वितरण काफ़ी कठिन हो सकता है। वैज्ञानिकों ने तरल नैनोकणों नामक चर्बी की छोटी गेंदों का उपयोग करके एक वितरण विधि का उपयोग किया। ये mRNA को बिना नष्ट किए सुरक्षित रूप से शरीर में mRNA परिवहन में सहायता कर सकते हैं। कोविड-19 mRNA टीके लक्षित कोशिकाओं को टीके का फ़ॉर्मूला पहुँचाने के लिए तरल नैनोकणों का उपयोग करते हैं। यह संभावना है कि जीनोमिक दवा द्वारा उत्पादित किए गए किसी भी संभावित भविष्य के “सुपर हीरो” टीकों के लिए वसा के लिफाफे में mRNA संलग्न करने की वितरण पद्धति का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। अभी के लिए ये एक सैद्धांतिक विचार है।

Paano naiiba ang genomic medicine sa teknolohiya ng bakunang may mRNA para sa COVID-19?

Talagang maselan ang mRNA, kaya naman mahirap ang paghahatid nito sa mga selula. Gumamit ang mga siyentista ng paraan ng paghahatid na gumagamit ng maliliit na kumpol ng taba na tinatawag na likidong nanoparticle. Makakatulong ang mga ito sa ligtas na paghahatid ng mRNA sa katawan, nang hindi nasisira ang mRNA. Gumagamit ang mga bakunang may mRNA para sa COVID-19 ng mga likidong nanoparticle para maihatid ang mga formula ng bakuna sa mga pinupuntiryang selula. Malamang na gumamit din ng paraan ng paghahatid sa pamamagitan ng pagbabalot ng mRNA sa mga taba ang anumang potensyal na bakunang “superhero” na gagawin sa hinaharap gamit ang genomic medicine. Ideyang batay sa teorya pa lang ito sa ngayon.

¿En qué se diferencia la medicina genómica (o medicina personalizada) de la tecnología ARNm de las vacunas contra la COVID-19?

Dado que el ARNm es muy frágil, su transporte a las células puede ser un reto. Los científicos emplearon un método de transporte en el que se utilizan esferas de grasa diminutas llamadas nanopartículas lipídicas. Estas ayudan a transportar el ARNm al cuerpo de forma segura, sin deteriorarlo. Las vacunas de ARNm contra la COVID-19 utilizan nanopartículas lipídicas para transportar la fórmula de la vacuna a células específicas. Es probable que en el futuro cualquier posible “vacuna de superhéroe” producida mediante el uso de la medicina genómica utilice también este método de transporte encapsulando el ARNm en una envoltura de grasa. Por ahora solo se trata de una idea teórica.

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About the Hub

The COVID-19 Vaccine Media Hub is a dedicated resource for journalists and fact checkers wanting access to evidence-based information on COVID-19 vaccines. The Hub brings together multiple sources of evidence-based information on vaccines, including explainers, expert commentary, the latest research and online press briefings, with material soon to be available in multiple languages.

If you’re a fact checker or a journalist, we’re here to help you find the information and experts you need for your story.

If you’re a member of the public and would like help finding information on COVID-19 vaccines, feel free to browse the site. You might also like to explore other evidence- based vaccine information sites such as the WHO's COVID-19 vaccine page.

This project is a global effort with contributions from Science Media Centres in Australia, the UK, Germany and New Zealand plus technology not-for-profit, Meedan. Other contributors are based in North America, Africa, Latin America and the Asia Pacific region.

The COVID-19 Vaccine Media Hub is supported by the Google News Initiative.

Google News Initiative LogoAustralian Science Media Centre LogoMeedan Logo

Australian Science Media Centre

The Australian Science Media Centre works to enhance the media’s coverage of science, for the benefit of the public. We provide the evidence and experts when science hits the headlines.

Health Desk

Rapid responses to health questions for fact-checkers and journalists.

Science Media Center Germany

A non-profit and editorially independent institution that supports journalists in reporting on science-related topics.

UK Science Media Centre

The SMC’s mission is to improve the public understanding of science by ensuring that the news media has easy access to the very best experts and evidence when science hits the headlines.

Science Media Centre NZ

When science meets the headlines, the SMCNZ is there to promote accurate, evidence-based reporting on science, health and technology by helping the media work more closely with the scientific community.


SciLine is a philanthropically funded, editorially independent, free service, whose primary mission is to connect U.S. journalists to knowledgeable, articulate scientific experts and science-based resources.

Science Media Centre of Canada

The Science Media Centre of Canada is an independent non-profit that helps journalists and science writers cover science, medical and technology stories that impact the lives of Canadians.

Africa Science Media Centre

AfriSMC was established by ScienceAfrica and Partners in September 2020 in Nairobi, Kenya, to improve the credibility of media reporting of emerging scientific issues, such as the Coronavirus pandemic.

Science Media Center Taiwan

SMC Taiwan was established in 2017, as one of the international SMCs. SMC Taiwan is the only SMC in Asia connecting journalists and scientists to provide evidence-based information through the media. Please contact us if you require any assistance with reporting COVID-19. 關於疫情若需要任何進一步的專家意見,以協助民眾判讀各式科學資訊,都歡迎隨時聯繫我們。 SMC Taiwan是國際科學媒體中心的一員,唯一的亞洲科學家媒體媒合平台,會持續提供專家意見與相關研究討論,給各位媒體朋友們參考。歡迎參考我們的網站:https://smctw.tw/


Science makes the news. SINC is the public news agency specializing in science in Spain, depending on the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. SINC offers its service to journalists and citizens: information, context and analysis from expert sources to shed light on the latest scientific news, with accuracy, veracity, and independence.